Saturday 3 November 2012

Adaptable Leaders

-- Think and act to apply strategic influence on their environs. They proceed to guarantee that their companies are well positioned competitively.
-- Proactive, expect opportunities and put the resources in position to go after them.
-- Utilize diverse styles of leadership that enables them to be personally more adaptive.
-- Think about diverse and conflicting situations plausible before making vital decisions.
-- Proficient acknowledges when they are erroneous and amend a negative itinerary of action.
-- Insightful learners of surroundings.
-- Expert of create inventive opportunities for action.
-- Build organization's competences to become skilled, renovate structure, change culture, and adapt technology.

-- Keep on knowledgeable of what stakeholders want.
-- Willing to try out, take risks.
-- Strive to improve personal openness to new ideas and stay side by side prolongation learners.
-- Passion and encourage innovation.